A failed IVF can lead to overwhelming flow of emotions. Some people feel grief while some toy with anger. But then nobody can fight with nature. Quality of the embryo is the prime reason not getting results of IVF. In several cases, it is seen that embryos are not able to embed after their transfer to the female uterus and this is because they suffer from some flaws of any kind. Even the embryos which appear to be healthy in the laboratory might have certain defects that lead to their death instead of them growing into a baby.

The age of a woman plays more important roles in IVF treatments. The quality, as well as the quantity of a woman’s egg, begins to deteriorate as she gets old. This undermines the success rate of IVF. On average just about 25% of the embryos which are transferred lead to the birth of healthy babies. Women who are below 35 years of age have a 45% implantation rate while women who are between 40 to 42 years of age have just about 15% implantation rate. It is recommended that older women should go in for donor eggs as this means that they will have a success rate of a younger woman. The younger the eggs the better chances are that it will get implanted. So, these are some of the factors which can cause IVF treatment to fail.